I have never replied to a thread on this subject, I don't usually even read them.
I just want to ask a genuine, respectful question. Have any of you guys that believe you have experienced paranormal activity ever taken psycho-active drugs- either medically or recreationally?
Also, amazing claims require equally compelling evidence to back them up. Wozza, you mention being able to manipulate objects and turn on lights like its a bodily function. Do you have any evidence of this?
For almost 100 yrs, various sceptic organisations around the world have offered hundreds of thousands of dollars to anyone that can demonstrate paranormal activity under controlled conditions. Have any of you guys cashed in yet? If not, why not?
I am not calling anyone here a fake. I am very much aware that its possible there are mysteries in the universe we don't fully understand yet. Its just that the 'evidence' I've seen about this stuff is like the 'evidence' for bigfoot, or UFO's- it always seems to be a bit blurry.